Friday, March 17, 2006

Purposefully pointless ramblings

Life is full of interesting twists and turns. There's a cliche, if there's ever been one. But I think that cliches exist only because they're true. There's no other way to explain why a group of words or expressions so hated, manage to stick around for so long.
But then, so do stereotypes, or impressions or then theories of people long given sainthood. It's amazing how we don't seem to tire of spitting the same spiel out over and over again.
There's a lot to be said about the people who came up with them. Either they were absolute genuises who knew that all it would take to keep people going on and on, would be a few contrite statements (Is Pierre Fermat listening?) or they were bumblings fools, a la Peter Seller's character in 'Being There'. Either way, they deserve more credit than most of us, because we'll still be discussing something they said, long after this blog has made its way to cyber limbo.
Anyway, the point of me saying all this is that, there is a lot that each of us say or do that we fail to realise has a past much longer than our own. And the beauty or the tragedy (your point of view) is that we'll never know it.
I do realise that some of you will read this post as being rather directionless, but then the point is that I want to ramble, and the basis of this rambling was founded in East Asia by Japanese court ladies who wrote of what else but of their encounters with men in high places. So, we've travelled about 1,300 years only to go from pillowbooks to digital memoirs. The idea though hasn't changed. We have to remember that life isn't black or white, or for that matter grey. It has to be a combination of hues beyond our comprehension. And which is why we feel compelled to pen our thoughts and ideas down to make ourselves feel slightly better understood.
I am not sure if there's a purpose to my explanations besides making myself feel wiser. Or then perhaps, the only reason I'm writing is that I feel that it's the only way I can make any sense of why I started writing in the first place. The motivation become the motivating factor and the end result in itself. Not bad, I think, to end on a non-cliche.