Saturday, December 09, 2006

hope and other things

So, yes, it's been a while. And things sometimes do get a little delayed. And then sometimes things have their own pace. Like the making of a new life, like the seeds of a beginning you have no clue to, like the morning you had no idea was about to dawn. Like Shakespeare said, 'All the world's a stage and all men and women merely players.' We do all play our part here, don't we? (is there a more trite question you've heard?)
Like me asking a girl to dance with me, after much deliberation and then with some inebriated confidence. Like me deciding that I can handle Pakistan on my own, like becoming a sort of recognized face in the world of sports broadcasting, like knowing that there's always just one person who is the one for you. Like, every little choice made and every little outcome that you have no way of predicting. But we must still all take our chances. All scripted, but unscripted. Perhaps, now I'm beginning to explain to myself why the url of my blog is the way it is.
There's so much to say about life, but we humans really don't have the words. We might think we do, but all we manage is verbose, circumlocative combinations of words that say absolutely the same thing. WE ARE REDUNDANT.
Singapore is my new home as of now. It's also the site that the Vyavaharkar's (one born, one converted!) are about to embark on a mission to keep each other happy. I'm excited that the SouthEast of Asia will be where the life of my adulthood and beyond will begin. Would I have it another way? I don't think so. I'm just trying to make sure that I'm making sense, and I'm sure with each additional word, I'm failing miserably at that task. But that's the pace of life. Frantic, maddening and yet at once serene, calm and hopeful.
I'm hopeful that life ahead is going to be a blast, I'm hopeful that I can keep blogging, I'm hopeful that I can lose weight, I'm hopeful that life will always be this good. Hope. A good thing like Andy Dufrense says in Shawshank Redemption, perhaps the best of things. And I intend to keep my faith in that belief, perhaps even invest in it, if I can.

1 comment:

DDV said...

bhery nice i say..maybe i shd start blogging again..but then theres so much to say i wont know where to begin!