Tuesday, January 02, 2007

a new year is under way

Alright, took me a while to get going again, but I figured I'll just wait for the new year to post an update. So, here I am. In 2007, I'm heading into a year that's so full of promise that I'm not sure if I should sit or stand, run or jump, scream or shout (yes, yes, I know dictionar-ily they're rather similar!)
But a lot of things that are about to happen will be beyond my control. Not just the sequence of events, but even the magnitude or the subsequent reactions. I know it sounds a little controlling of me to want to know all those details, and I'm happy to hurtle along the road of unanticipated bliss, but it's just baffling and rather intriguing as to how things are about to play out. And I guess I'll just have to wait. And I'm more than happy to.
Anyway, the earthquake in Taiwan over the weekend really gave us an idea of how dependent we've become on technology. The internet in Singapore which is capable of re-uploading this page about a hundred times over in the same time that it took to say this, suffered and how. Debkanya's parent's who're visiting were delayed flying in, not because of some weather or technical issue, but due to the fact that they couldn't access the Singapore intranet for the airlines from Bangalore. And so, all bookings and seat allocations had to be done by phone. When we talk about technology having eased our life, we often forget, how complicated it's become as well. The computer is a fine invention but now all my data is stored on the computer, but something as silly as a power blackout, means I have no access to any of it. In the olden days, my mother just used a noting diary to jot everything down. She knows brevity, she knows detail and she knows prioritisation, and she didn't even need a Franklin-Covey scheduler to help her figure any of that out.
Well, that's my take anyway. I guess I am blogging here and I shouldn't exactly be panning technology, so I won't. I'll stop. Or then I could always go to the printing press.

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